Matisse, Monet and Me™ introduces art history to children and encourages creative expression through the inspiration of an artist or culture. Our curriculum follows the Montessori art philosophy of “process vs. product". A new artist or culture is studied once a week until completion of our 3-year curriculum cycle. Primary students (3-6 year olds) are introduced to historical art ideas and learn how to manipulate various art media while developing their “pincher grip” needed for writing. Elementary students review artists in greater detail, experiment with various art media, fine-tune their motor skills and build on their eye/hand coordination.
Montessori Academy of North Hoffman
ALL SPRING SESSIONS: 03/16/25 - 05/24/25
(no class 3/27 and 4/03- spring break)
(If you wish to register for individul sessions use the other tab)
Primary, Elementary & Erd Kinder ART CLASSES
2:30 - 3:15pm: Primary 3-6 years- Huntington location
3:45 - 4:30pm: Primary - Freeman EAST location
4:30 - 5:15pm: Elementary & Erd Kinder - Freeman EAST location
(All spring sessions may not be prorated for an absence, individual sessions may be prorated in advance for an abscence, just email us for a code)
Register early to get your spot! Classes do fill up!
Priority registration FOR current Winter students- ends 3/10/25 9am
Open registration for new students begins 3/10/25 -3/10/25 9am
Earlybird registration discount on ALL SPRING sessions ENDS 02/29/24 - 9am!
Product Code: SP_ALL_2025_MANH